Unfortunately, much to our dismay, we don’t have an unlimited budget to plan our dream wedding. It’s important to take the time to sort out the nitty gritty so you don’t end up spending money you just don’t have.
It’s the age-old tale told by most married couples… “We blew our budget by A LOT”
A few dollars here and there doesn’t seem like a lot, but a few hundred dollars will make a major difference when it comes to your bottom line. Every little bit matters!
So how exactly do we plan better so that we don’t blow our budget… or at least not by that much?
Here are a few tips we have discovered along the way.
Think about the wedding you want
The first step is to think about the wedding you want. Do you want an intimate beach wedding or a huge church wedding with all your friends and family?
Think about the look and style, the people and the emotions. What will make your wedding unique to you two – what represents YOU best?
Set your priorities – create a shortlist of priorities so you can focus on things that are most important to you and your partner. This way you can direct your money and time to something you truly value
Think about how much your comfortable spending
Although money is often a touchy subject it needs to be clearly laid out on the table. Ask yourselves: How much money are you willing and comfortable spending on your wedding?
This is also the time to work out if other people going to be financially contributing to your wedding and how?
Creation of the budget
The serious and not so fun part of any wedding…
Keep yourself (and your money) accountable. Your budget will start with ballpark figures from research, however as you learn more and get quotes from various vendors its important to re-evaluate. Regularly come back to your budget to make sure you are on track and adjust any figures.
There are many apps and online programs out there that can assist with a budget layout too, so don’t be afraid to use them!
And remember, where there’s a will there’s a way; don’t let it get you down!
Wedding budgets are hard, but with these tips we hope to make the process a little easier!